Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blog post 4 - Wimba Sessions

Again, I was unfortunately unable to attend Wimba this week. One thing I noticed with all of the attendees is that they has a solid grasp on how they were going to present their piece to, who they were going to present it to and also have a good idea on how to put these into place. What I liked most about most of these, especially Blair's and Mark H's presentations is that it could generate a lot of communication by way of questions and inquiries to keep the ball rolling down hill so to speak. I see great potential for all of these ideas to progress and take off. Finding the right avenue to deliver these presentations, however, if you can find that right avenue, these ideas can really catch fire and take off.

If anything, taking a look at the Wimba session has really given me some great motivation in creating a presentation that would stack up to these others on a professional and complete basis. Thank you again everyone for all the input and knowledge we have shared.

Blog response 2 to Christopher

Creating the framework for possibility is my favorite chapter of this book as it forced me to think in a completely different way. I think we all need to aspire to be leaders and as teachers we lead everyday. This type of leadership would completely change the way my classroom would function as well as the staff that I work with. Since I have started to do a lot of staff development I have had to do a lot of leadership roles that I am slowly getting comfortable with but always looking for ways to become a better leader. Constructing a framework of possibility instead of working off others fears seems like a difficult thing to do. I think that constructing a framework of possibility does require some rapport with those that are hearing you or following you. Also, I would need to not have my emotions of the day effect how I lead those that are going through a tough time or during a tough situation for the whole staff.
There are many times when this form of leadership would be so much better than a demanding type leadership. WHen situations get tough, instead of leading or emerging out of fear, create a possible atmosphere where the staff as a whole can climb out of the situation instead of being pulled out by one person. 

I also enjoyed this chapter because of it challenging us to think different. I have always thought that challenging an idea, or a way an idea is created can unearth new sides to us we never knew exited. This would undoubtedly help us in trying to communicate and reach a new audience that we either could not reach before or felt extremely challenged to reach. You mention creating a rapport with those you are teaching or leading, and that is very important I believe. In educating on a more leading way instead of feeling your students are beneath you, can really help dial in to your followers, to have a connection instead of boundaries. Getting the participants truly engrossed in the idea and learning materials will greatly increase the chance of success in my opinion.

Blog response 1 to Sarah

Each week I've truly enjoyed reading this book. The part that really jumped out at me was that of "being the board." The idea of imagining myself as a board in the game of life and assuming all responsibilities and risks eliminates the need for the "blame game." (This would have been a great concept for me to realize as a teenager!) Even now, like the example in the book, it's so easy to quickly try to pass the blame for that quickly satisfying feeling of being right or off the hook. However, viewing myself as the board and realizing that I can change my outlook can help me overcome obstacles and greet each circumstance with a brighter perspective.

I could not agree with you more! I completely see the analogy between life and a board game, being a part of that game. We find ourselves in a very exciting position in what we can do with the knowledge we have gained over the last 11 months. I am curious to see how I react, how I perform with all of this new information. I am quite excited to get this journey going...even though another one is ending!

Week 4 Response to Reading

Coming up on the end of my program, this was a great few chapters to end this class. Getting ready to graduate from this program, it had some amazing analogies that I can apply to my life as well as my career. I think all of us can identify with the analogy of life being a board game of sorts. That we all have our own positions, parts and responsibilities during this game. Understanding that each decision we make, each path we decide to take, or not take, has an influence on the entire aspect of life itself. The paths we choose not only effect ourselves, but also the people we surround ourselves with at the time and even later on down the road, just as those we would not be influenced by ourselves. For example, our choice to be in an education program such as this effects those around us now and those we have yet to be introduced to. However, if we choose another career path we would likely not meet the same people as if we stayed on this one. All in all this weeks reading really drove hope the idea of what purpose means to me.

Week 4 Publishing Leadership Project

My plan for submitting my AR project for presentation purposes, I have two conferences in mind. Since my project deals in both education and design I think it appropriate to deliver this presentation in a conference that would benefit each category.

One choice would be to use EduComm because it has a lot a of background in producing presentations dealing in Adobe products which is where graphic design lives and it has quite a drawing of interested participants. The audience who attend this conference would definitely be the kind of people I want to get my message to.

My second choice would be any of the WordCamp conferences. I have one here locally in Fayetteville, Arkansas. I attended it last year and the director of the school where I teach was a speaker and based her session on Gestalt as well. This years conference I would love to get with her and get the presentation also in the hands of the people who would be interested in the information.

Blog post 1 -
Blog post 2 -


Week 4 Publishing/Leadership project part 2 of 2: Gestalt Presentation

I have decided to use my presentation within the WordCamp conference that will be conducted in Fayetteville, Arkansas later this year. I attended it last year and the director of my school that I teach at was a speaker and she is also one of my panel of peers throughout my AR project. Last year she also presented the principles of Gestalt and I am going to work with her to help generate a much more intuitive and informative project.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week 4 Publishing/Leadership project part 1 of 2: Presentation Ideas

When reviewing this week's Publish/Leadership project I decided on going with a presentation instead of a paper. Because my AR project is about Gestalt and it being very visual, I believe producing a visual reference for the project is appropriate.

In researching some of the conferences listed in our Week 4 materials, a couple stood out to me. EduComm, Association for Educational Communications and Technology as well as EDCAUSE. They all have areas in which my project presentation would fit. EduComm has a lot a of background in producing presentations dealing in Adobe products which is where graphic design lives and it has quite a drawing of interested participants. The Association for Educational Communications and Technology is another conference where this would fit because they focus on the learning in the digital age, all of which our projects deal with. Edcause simply because of the scope and magnitude it could bring a project like mine.

However, another conference is very interesting me, and one I have attended - WordCamp. I attended WordCamp last year in Fayetteville, Arkansas and while there were two tracks - blogger and programmer - they had speakers that touched on not only content but design. In bringing some kind of design psychology, in other words Gestalt, it would help introduce the Gestalt principles to those with very little education or knowledge, if any, of them.

Or maybe, just maybe, I can present this at several!